IBM Cloud™ Functions service is an event-driven compute platform, also referred to as Serverless computing, or as Function as a Service (FaaS), that runs code in response to events or direct invocations.


In order to run a function with another language, that is not supported by IBM Cloud Functions, you need indicate a exec file with an initial configuration. In the Cloud, the function will run on Docker container whose image is the openwhisk/dockerskeleton. The apk is an Alpine Linux package management, because of the linux distribution used in the docker image.


# install R
apk update && apk add R R-dev R-doc build-base jq

# install package
R -e "install.packages('jsonlite', repos = '')"

# run R script
chmod +x script.R # turn executable
echo "$@" > input.json # set input
./script.R # run script

The script.R is set as:

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# get input
input <- jsonlite::fromJSON("input.json", flatten = FALSE)
input <- as.numeric(input)

# function
A <- function(x) x^2

# output (it is important set the output as JSON)
jsonlite::toJSON(list(side = input, area = A(input)), auto_unbox = TRUE)


zip -r exec script.R
ibmcloud fn action create raction --native


ibmcloud fn action invoke raction --result --param s 8

Web Actions

ibmcloud fn action update raction --native --web true


curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"s":10}' \

The ${APIHOST} and ${NAMESPACE} can be get with:

ibmcloud fn action get raction --url


It is possible to use docker to deploy your function.

You need a Dockerfile, build and push (Docker Hub only)

# dockerfile
FROM openwhisk/dockerskeleton
RUN apk update && apk add R R-dev R-doc build-base
RUN R -e "install.packages('jsonlite', repos = '')"

# build
docker -t th1460/raction .

# push
docker push th1460/raction

The exec is modified because the step to install R, linux dependencies and R libraries can be changed to execute in the Docker build.


# run R script
chmod +x script.R # turn executable
echo "$@" > input.json # set input
./script.R # run script

To deploy the functions you need to indicate the repository that is in Docker Hub --docker th1460/raction

ibmcloud fn action create raction --docker th1460/raction

This approach could be interesting to reduce the time to build in the request of the function. In comparing the speed, this approach was faster than the first one.

The scripts this post is found in
